QIMT Glossary
Definitions of Metrology terms & phrases.
If you know of a term or phrase that belongs here, you can submit the term or phrase and associated definition by adding an entry. NOTE: All entries are reviewed and approved prior to being seen by others on the site.
Procedure for adding a Definition:
- Click on the "Add a New Entry" button.
- Under the first required field labeled 'Concept', enter the Metrology word or term.
- In the 'Description' Field, put the definition, don't forget to use the "DeWord" button to remove MS Word formatting if you are copying and pasting from MS Word; see lounge forum for note regarding this issue.
- Ignore the other entries and submit.
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Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
C |
CCL Consultative Committee for Length. Established 1952. | |
CCM Consultative Committee for Mass and related quantities. Established 1980. | |
CCPR Consultative Committee for Photometry and Radiometry. Established 1933. | |
CCQM Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance - Metrology in chemistry. Established 1993. | |
CCRI Consultative Committee for Ionising Radiation. Established 1958. | |
CCT Consultative Committee for Thermometry. Established 1937. | |
CCTF Consultative Committee for Time and Frequency. Established 1956. | |
CCU Consultative Committee for Units. Established 1964. | |
CEM Centro Español de Metrología, the national metrological institute of Spain. | |
CEN Comité Européene de Normalisation. European standardisation organisation. | |