• Public Class Info
  • Prerequisites and Deliverables
  • Course Outline
  • Registration / Schedule

Measurement Uncertainty & Conformity Decision Risk Analysis 

Hands-on Interactive Class via GoToMeeting

This class has been provided by Quametec since 1998, instructed by James D Jenkins. It has recently been expanded to cover measurement-based statement of conformity decision risk analysis, along with the UncertaintyToolbox™ template set. 

Over the years we have been providing private hands-on training using GoToMeeting with great success. As a result, we decided to convert our public class into the same format. Albeit, to ensure the learning objective of each attendee is fully met, these online sessions are limited in size in order to keep the number of different measurement types needing to be addressed to a workable number. 

This course is ideal for anyone needing to meet the analysis requirements for measurement uncertainty and its' associated conformity decision false accept and false reject risk, as per ISO/IEC 17025 and ILAC G8:2019, ISO 14253-1, ASME B89.7.3.1 and ANSI/NCSL Z540.3. 

This course is presented in a manner that is suitable for entry-level to senior calibration, testing, and inspection technicians; metrologists, engineers, and scientists from any discipline. Special focus is given to the ISO/IEC 17025 laboratory accreditation requirements. 

Our experience allows us to provide both a course "Learning Guarantee" and a software "Satisfaction Guarantee"! 

SAVE TIME & MONEY! Get it right the first time with proven experience on your side! The software developer/instructor of this course (James D Jenkins) has worked in metrology since 1982, his experience includes over 30 years of combined metrology experience working as a laboratory technician, laboratory manager, electronic engineer, metrology engineer, metrology instructor, technical and quality manager, accreditation assessor,  and a consultant to various accreditation bodies and national laboratories on the topic of measurement uncertainty analysis and ISO/IEC 17025 laboratory accreditation requirements. 

ISO GUM method based…

To ensure international acceptance, this course is primarily based on the "ISO GUM Method" (ISO "Guide to the expression of Uncertainty in Measurement") and *ILAC G8:09/2019 ("Guidelines on Decision Rules and Statements of Conformity"). The ILAC guide is designed to directly address the ISO/IEC 17025:2019 measurement uncertainty analysis and conformity decision risk analysis requirements in a practical, compliant, efficient manner. 

*ILAC is the global association for the accreditation of laboratories, inspection bodies, proficiency testing providers and reference material producers, with a membership consisting of accreditation bodies and stakeholder organizations throughout the world. 

Since 2003, UncertaintyToolbox™ remains the ONLY commercial ISO GUM Method measurement uncertainty analysis software that reveals all applied math formulas in use, thereby eliminating the typical "Trust the Programmer" requirement that comes with the use of typical "black box" type commercial software. There is no uncertainty in how we compute uncertainty estimates! Peer review of our work provides confidence that estimates created in our software are properly calculated.

Plus, the viewable formula's feature makes UncertaintyToolbox™ an excellent tool for use in training others in ISO GUM Method specifics.

Due to the unique transparency of UncertaintyToolbox™ formula's, it has been identified by various Accrediting Bodies as a good "example" of what is acceptable for meeting the measurement uncertainty analysis requirements of ISO/IEC 17025, without the need for the software to be "accredited" or validated, as Excel® is considered to be a suitable math tool, validated by numerous industries, and used by numerous national metrology institutes (NMI's). 

NOTE: While all the maths are protected they are also visible for inspection and evaluation as desired. It should also be noted that users are given access to the template passwords, allowing them to customize them if so desired. When customized, users are advised to verify and document that their changes do not cause errors in the resulting calculations.

Hands-on Experience with UncertaintyToolbox™ for Microsoft® Excel® by Quametec™: 

Professional Measurement Uncertainty Analysis Software

Designed specifically to meet the requirements of ISO/IEC17025 laboratory accreditation, using the same math engine used by most National Metrology Institutes and Laboratories through-out the world; Microsoft® Excel®.

Attendees will learn how to compute measurement uncertainty using Quametec's UncertaintyToolbox™ add-in and template set for Microsoft® Excel®, along with other Quametec™ designed tools provided free to attendees. 

This software makes easy work out of computing and producing ISO17025 compliant uncertainty estimates. And when needed, it can also reproduce any one of the various conformity decision (specific or global) risk reduction Decision Rules discussed in the ILAC G8:09/2019 guide (Feature added in Series 6).

The Measurement Uncertainty Class with the Learning Guarantee…

This course covers three major objectives for the attendees:

  • Learn the concepts of measurement uncertainty analysis
  • Hands-on experience in computing practical examples from numerous measurement disciplines, as applicable to the attendees.
  • Receive guidance, tools, and training designed to make the task easier.


"After attending this webinar, you will be capable of performing measurement uncertainty and associated conformity decision risk analyses! If after taking our class you have difficulty computing measurement uncertainty and/or associated conformity decision risk analyses, we will provide additional training at no additional cost!" 

For 90 days from course completion, each attendee receives a FREE review of several analyses that they complete in their workplace. Where problems are found in submitted analyses, we provide assistance and guidance via telephone and/or an internet 'GoToMeeting' session with the student, correcting errors, and building the attendee's skill and confidence. This consulting service alone would be worth the price of the course if our training wasn't so good that so few attendees actually need this support service.

 Our "LEARNING GUARANTEE" program which monitors attendee success in producing measurement uncertainty estimates after class, shows a first-time attendee success rate of better than 99%. 

For Class Schedule and/or Registration Information:
Go to the "Registration / Schedule" Tab.

Class Attendee Prerequisites 

Attendee's should be familiar with the measurement process and any applicable measurement model multivariate formula's for the parameters and processes for which they intend to learn how to compute measurement uncertainty. 

Attendee's should have experience in the use of Windows and a working knowledge of Microsoft® Excel®. Attendee's will need an understanding of basic high school algebra when working with complex multi-variate measurement models.

Knowledge of statistics is useful, but not required. 

We will provide the necessary training and understanding of the ISO GUM concepts and proper use of the software in the computation of measurement uncertainty estimates in accordance with our unique "learning guarantee". 

What you Need 

Attendee's are required to have a PC with Microsoft® 32Bit or 64Bit Excel®  2016, 2019, 2021 or pre-installed Office365 desktop version. The instructor uses the latest version of Excel® via Office365 (64bit).

To support the online training format each attendee will need to have two (2) monitors or computers. One used for following along with the presentation and to view the Instructor's desktop and a second one to perform the hands-on training tasks.

Each attendee will need access to the internet. We provide all attendees a technical capability and bandwidth test in a test online meeting with the individual, provided free prior to the class, and recommended to be completed prior to registering for the class.

We also highly recommend the use of a Bluetooth or USB Headset which is comfortable and capable of operating for the 7 hours per day sessions.

Please ensure that you either have "Administrator" log-in permissions for your computer OR have Excel® "Analysis ToolPak" add-in and the most recent version of UncertaintyToolbox™ software pre-installed on your computer.

FREE Technology Evaluation Session: We recommend that any potential attendee schedule a free evaluation session to test their hardware, software, and VOIP communication/internet-speed capability. This FREE eval session may also be used to alleviate any concerns regarding the quality of the medium being used for the training. 

Almost everyone who participates in these evaluation sessions is impressed with the excellent quality of audio and near-instant updating of desktop viewing. With the right equipment, this type of training is the next best thing to being there without the cost of travel time and associated expenses.

Study Materials: Course Handbook, numerous documents, and sample analyses created during the class will be provided via an FTP download site. 

Analysis Problems: Attendees can email applicable documents, for their uncertainty analysis scenarios that they wish to address during the hands-on portion of the training, to the course instructor email address; provided at start of class. At a minimum, basic information regarding the measurement process and traceability of the reference equipment is needed; such as calibration certificates with data and associated accuracy specifications. 

Class Deliverables

Tuition includes the following:

Received Prior to Class: 

Once Tuition for the Public Class has been paid, attendees receive:

1) FTP link where they can download a digital copy of the handbook written by the instructor, "Measurement Uncertainty Analysis Fundamentals" and numerous folders containing various free reference documents, of which, many will be used during the class, as needed. The handbook is recommended to be read prior to class to ensure maximum benefit of time spent in class and makes a good reference book for after class use. 

2) Each registered attendee will receive 3 months' access to the QIMT1410 Measurement Uncertainty Analysis course. While it recommended that the designated attendee begin this course prior to attending the Public Webinar in order to best benefit from all the webinar has to offer, it is NOT required. Students may also want to use the online course access as an after-class reference or as a refresher.

NOTE: The QIMT1410 course is being re-created with additional content. When complete and published, ALL prior Quametec public uncertainty class attendees will be allowed 3 months free access to this course as a refresher.

Received During Class: 

Prior to the start of the Webinar, each attendee will get access to a licensed copy of the QUAMETEC™ UncertaintyToolbox™ for Microsoft Excel® software, plus numerous reference documents for advanced learning via Dropbox.

Installation of the software is performed during the first day of training. However, if any registered attendee requires their IT personnel to install the software, the software can be provided to IT with installation instructions prior to the training sessions.

Received at End of Class: 

A Course Certificate is provided to all attendees. Sample Analyses: A segment of the course is devoted to solving specific problems relevant to each student's workplace. The instructor copy of the analyses worked on in class is provided to the attendees at the end of the class to use as additional references. 

Received After Class: 

Each attendee is encouraged to take advantage of our FREE analysis review benefit. This benefit provides the attendee with professional review of several completed analyses and/or guidance in their completion, as needed.  To take advantage of this offer, within 90 days of the class, they need to contact us and schedule a free private GoToMeeting session with the instructor and email the analyses to be reviewed and/or discussed to Quametec prior to the scheduled session. This is just one way in we support our unique "Learning Guarantee".

Public Live Interactive Online Class Outline

This course includes instruction in the principles and process of measurement uncertainty and associated false accept/reject risk analysis used in conformity decision rules as per the requirements found in ISO/IEC 17025:2019, ILAC G8:09/2019 & ISO GUM. To ensure that the training is successful, the course includes hands-on training in performing uncertainty analyses relevant to each students' workplace. 

Tuition Cost provides Attendees:

  • Digital copy of "Measurement Uncertainty Analysis Fundamentals" written by the course instructor, James D Jenkins.
  • Digital copy of the course presentation.
  • A single-user licensed copy of UncertaintyToolbox™ for Microsoft Excel®
  • Certificate of Training; recognized by the accreditation industry (via an ILAC MRA)
  • Selection of numerous tools and documents associated with computing measurement uncertainties.
  • During class interactive completion of at least one analysis of a measurement process from the students' workplace, as chosen by the student.
  • After class access, via telephone, email, or internet meeting, to the instructor for answers to questions related to uncertainty analysis issues*.
  • After class professional review of a sampling of their first actual analyses performed in the workplace*.

* Provided at no additional charge for 90 days after training support period. This is provided to ensure the provided training is successful in meeting the objectives for the provided training.

Uncertainty Analysis - Day 1:
Measurement Quality, Measurement Uncertainty, and ISO/IEC17025
Accreditation Requirements pertaining to Uncertainty Analysis 

Introduction to Measurement Quality Basics (ISO17025) 

  • Qualified Personnel 
  • Adequate Environment 
  • Appropriate Methods & Adequate Procedures 
  • Measurement Equipment Reliability 
  • Process Quality Assurance Methods 
  • Statements of Measurement Capability 
  • Establishing Measurement Quality Decision Rules 

Determining Needed Analyses 

  • Developing a Matrix of Points to be Analyzed 
  • Range Uncertainty Statement Calculations 
  • Establishing a logical approach to efficiently cover all output data 
    • Identify Parameters of Measurement 
    • Identify Processes per Parameter 
    • Logical Grouping of DUT/UUT's per Process 
    • Identify Logical Points of Analysis 

Concepts of Uncertainty Analysis (ISO GUM Method) 

  • Measurement, Error & Uncertainty 
  • Uncertainty Contributors 
  • Statistics Concepts & Math 
  • Uncertainty Analysis Process 
    • Basic Statistics Concepts 
      • Populations 
      • Distributions 
      • Means, Modes, and Medians 
      • Standard Deviations 
    • Statistical Math for Uncertainty Analysis 
      • Understanding the Math 
    • The Analysis Process 
      • The Measurand
      • The Uncertainty Budget 
      • Type B Computations 
      • Type A Computations 
      • Uncertainty Modeling Made Easy 
        • Sensitivity Coefficients 
      • Correlations 
      • Variance Addition Rule/Root Sum Square 
      • Degrees of Freedom 
        • Type A Estimates 
        • Type B Estimates 
        • Total Effective Degrees of Freedom 
      • Expanded Uncertainty (U95) 
        • Normal Distribution 
        • Students t-Distribution 
      • Reporting of Uncertainty 
      • Taking Uncertainty into Account (per Z-540.3) 
        • Method for Guard-Banding to achieve Z540.3 requirements.
        • NEW in 2019: The Quametec developed method for estimating "In-Tolerance Confidence Levels" at the data point level, taking into account; the Measurement Uncertainty, the Tolerance Limits, and the Measured Value. Includes worksheet and associated white paper.

UncertaintyToolbox ™ for Microsoft Excel® 

  • Introduction to the use of the software 
  • Installing and setting up the software 

Uncertainty Analysis - Day 2:
Hands-on use of UncertaintyToolbox™ to Compute Measurement Uncertainty 

  • Recap of First Day Topics 
  • Hands-on Uncertainty Analysis Computations 
    • Examples based on actual measurements performed at each attendee's workplace 
    • Attendee need only describe measurement process, equipment tolerances and calibration certificates helpful but not required. Actual values can be entered into example by student upon returning to workplace.
  • Measurement-Based Decision Risk evaluation concepts and methods
    • Establishing Decision Rules
    • Hands-on Conformity Decision Risk Computations

Uncertainty Analysis - Day 3:
Hands-on use of UncertaintyToolbox™ to Compute Measurement Uncertainty and associated Conformity Decision Risk Analysis

  • Recap of First Day Topics and Second Day Examples 
  • Continuation of Hands-on Uncertainty Analysis Computations using Real World Measurement Scenarios as presented by attendees.
  • Measurement Based Decision Risk Analysis (Using UncertaintyToolbox™ Series 6, latest version)
    • UncertaintyToolbox Series 6 contains templates that calculate specific Statement of Conformity False Accept/Reject Risk along with the resulting Conformity Decision based on user-selectable decision rule specifics.

Uncertainty Analysis - Day 4:
Hands-on use of UncertaintyToolbox™ to Compute Measurement Uncertainty & Conformity Decision Risk Course Test

  • Recap of Topics and Examples
  • Developing a Laboratory Scope of Measurement Capability
  • And even MORE Hand-On training with REAL Measurement Scenarios. 
  • Attendee Course Test - OPTIONAL for most attendees; required for those using the training to meet any requirements for becoming a laboratory accreditation assessor.
    • Discussion of Test and Re-cap of any area not fully understood by attendees 

Registration Information

Due to the nature of the training, our unique "learning guarantee" and the importance of hands-on training in the analysis of measurement uncertainty, class size is limited to ensure adequate attention to each attendee's specific needs.

Tuition includes a single user license for UncertaintyToolbox™ (a $1,295 value)! 

Requires Microsoft® 32Bit or 64Bit Excel® 2016, 2019, 2021 or Office365-Windows® Desktop Version for Windows®. The user should have administrator permissions for the computer used during class. The use of two computers or one computer with two monitors is required during the hands-on training.

Microsoft® Excel® is NOT included!

NOTE: Quametec reserves the right to cancel or reschedule any course. 

Since 1998, James D Jenkins, creator of UncertaintyToolbox™, has taught every uncertainty class presented by Quametec, although Quametec does reserve the right to change instructor.

To ensure adequate time to address measurement parameters from each attendees workplace during the hands-on portion of the training, class size is limited to a maximum of six (6) attendees.

Due to the limited class size:

  1. Payment is required to reserve a seat in any upcoming class.
  2. Payment is to be made using Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or Amex.
  3. There are no refunds on tuition unless the class has been cancelled or rescheduled by Quametec. If for any reason you are unable to attend or can't complete the 4-day class, we will make every effort to accommodate you in the next scheduled class or any future one of your choosing.


Live Online Measurement Uncertainty/Risk Analyst Class
4 days with hands-on training
Tuition = $2,595 per person
Call for pricing if sending more than one student.
2025 Uncertainty/Risk Analyst Class Schedule:

April 1st thru 4th, 2025

August 19th thru 22nd, 2025

October 21st thru 24th, 2025

Class size limited to six (6) attendees.

For more information or to register/reserve one or more seats;

Contact Quametec: 1 (810) 225-8588 M-F (10am-3pm) ET