Online Self-Paced Metrology Learning Programs
At QIMTonline, we do online self-paced training like no one else! Our unique approach is unlike any online training program you have ever experienced. Our programs offer so much interactivity, maybe we shouldn't even call it "Self-Paced", as our students are not alone, they are fully supported by the QIMTonline Staff and all the wonderful QIMTonline support tools!
We have many courses in-work, although at this time our offerings are limited. We intend on doing this the right way, meaning we would rather have only a few courses that achieve their objective, than a whole array of "typical" online courses that don't.
The following unique learning support features are provided with each QIMTonline course:
- COURSE ACCESS: Rather than the typical 2 weeks or less course access window, we provide a minimum of 120 days access to complete any course, with a free extension provided upon request to the course online instructor. When we say "self-paced" we weren't kidding!
- COURSE INSTRUCTOR: Online Instructor Supported Self-Paced Lessons.
- PRIVATE COMMUNICATION: Online Messaging System to communicate with the Instructor and other QIMT participants.
- SUPPORT FORUM: Student Q & A Forum monitored by the Online Course Instructor.
- ONLINE TUTORING: We use Citrix® "online meetings made easy" to provide the students with any extra help they need in understanding the course material. In some courses, these WebOps™ (workshops) are provided as part of the course curriculum; such as with our Measurement Uncertainty Course where the student works online with the instructor in completing up to three actual real world measurement uncertainty analyses, as part the necessary 'hands-on' component needed in learning that subject successfully. We may have under priced that course, you might want to consider signing up before we come to our senses.
- SELF-PACED LESSONS: Even though a particular course may be listed at 10 to 20 hours 'typical to complete', each course is divided into lessons that are designed to take no more than 90 minutes to complete. To make this type of learning easy, enjoyable, and effective we have include the following:
- Student controlled audio voice-overs of the course text, excluding QIMT 0800; to be added on next update.
- Downloadable and printable course text for personal use as reference material.
- Photographs, images, and even video is included in some courses.
- In lessons, we have self-quizzes to test your comprehension of each major learning point. Instant grading and feedback is provided when you the question.
- Online Grade-book: You can track your progress and grades with our secure online grade-book system. It lets you see your progress and score for each of the course lessons and tests you have attempted or completed.
- ONLINE TESTING PROGRAM: Our state-of-the-art online testing system allows us to also grade our course effectiveness, providing statistical feedback information into our continual improvement program. We think it is cool, but for our is a test and who likes taking tests? The good news is that it provides you feedback on your weak areas so you can revisit the appropriate lessons and try again.
- Final Test in maintained for future reference in our database along with all your grades.
- COURSE CERTIFICATE: Course Completion Certificates are awarded when you successfully completing a course.
- Serialized and recorded Certificate of Achievement is provided to student in a downloadable PDF format.
- Verifiable curriculum is available via our front page "Certificate Verification" tool. Using this tool anyone you provide your Certificate Serial Number to, can verify that it is real and access the course summary.
- CEU's: Unfortunately we are still in process of achieving the ability to award CEU's for our training. The good news is that Quametec™ is widely known and respected around the world for our metrology training and consulting since 1998. Many of our previous students of our formal training programs, prior to QIMTonline, are now metrology consultants and laboratory accreditation assessors.
- QIMT awards 1 QIMT credit for each 10 hours of training. This value is included on your certificate.
QIMT Unique Learning Guarantee
At QIMT we want your learning objectives to be fully met. Our online course Instructors will monitor your progress, answer your questions and even provide online tutoring as part of the course support, if needed. When taking any QIMT "Self-Paced" course, you can be assured that you will not be left on your own, rather you will be fully supported in your learning objectives by the QIMT staff and you will be given the time you need to complete the course successfully.