Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 2:27 AM
Site: Quametec™ Institute of Measurement Technology
Course: Quametec™ Institute of Measurement Technology (QUAMETEC™)
Glossary: QIMT Glossary
SADCMET Southern African Development Community (SADC) Cooperation in Measurement Traceability. |
Scale division Part of a scale between any two successive scale marks. |
Scale range The set of values bounded by the extreme indications on an analogue measuring instrument. |
Scale spacing Distance between two successive adjacent scale marks measured along the same line as the scale length. |
SCSC APEC Sub-committee on Standards and Conformance. |
Secondary standard Standard whose value is assigned by comparison with a primary standard of the same quantity. |
Sensor Element in a measuring instrument or a measuring chain that is directly influenced by the measurand. |
SI system The international system of units, Le Syst |
SI unit A unit in the SI system. |
SIM Sistema Interamricano de Metrologia, Normalizaci |